Thursday 17 December 2015

Music is one of the most important and powerful things in my life. My life without melodies and harmonies would be totally empty. Listening to and playing different tunes helps me to de-stress, relax and it can also help to motivate me in trying times. I love listening to music while on my way to school, as I feel it helps me to prepare for the day that waits. I think it is like the memoirs to my life as it has been there throughout everything with me.
When I was younger, I didn’t have the great love for musical as I do now. I mainly listened to whatever was playing in the background or what my parents were listening to. I didn’t have much of a care for musical compositions. There was sometimes a little bit of pop music thrown in to the mix here and there, but that’s really all I liked back then. Whether I was in the car, the house, or anywhere else there was sure to be some old songs constantly playing somewhere in the background. At the time I didn’t care for that genre of music much, but now as I’m older, I enjoy it as it allows me to reminisce on memories from times of my childhood. Once I hit my teenage years music became my life and gradually started to inhibit my soul.
I believe music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotion. Whether the emotion is joy and happiness or sadness and despair through rhythms, harmonies and the lyrics music shows it. The song “A little bit longer” by Nick Jonas is such an emotional and inspiring song that when I hear it, I always come close to tears, especially when I watch it being played live. The effect that music can have on our emotions is tremendous, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of laughter.
The musical images that music and song are able to create are amazing. Music has the ability to transport me back in time just like a time machine. It lets me revisit lost and forgotten moments in life. Songs can paint a picture, for example in classical and country music where a story is being told. The music in classical music tells a story without lyrics which is an immensely powerful thing. I feel that this applies to the saying “music imitates life and life imitates music”.
Recently song writing has wandered its way into my life. I believe there is no better way to express myself than through song. After a bad day, it’s nice to be able to sit down and write about it. It can make all your problems just disappear and float away. Listening to other musical artists that I like gives me inspiration. My guitar teacher also points me in the right direction and gives me guidance as I need it. I love to just sit with my guitar and make up random lyrics about past experiences or what I’m going through at the moment.
I started learning how to play the guitar last year and within the past few months I have fallen completely and utterly in love with it. Once I start playing, I find it extremely hard to put the guitar down again. It’s very addictive and can also be distracting sometimes. It distracts me from my homework since my guitar sits right next to my desk. Playing guitar is one of the only things in my life in which I don’t feel pressurized to do well in. I think this is because I have a great teacher and she doesn’t push me to the music exams. 
But of course as a muslim Al-Quran is a good melody , is a peace of music , is a good harmonic and it must be i put song as my life at number 2 but Al-Quran as my number 1.The song that i love right now is like trap song , dubstep that have bass. It can give some energy in a day.It make me just like in movie! You walk on the while you play a music and make you just like the amazing one. I dont care what people around me talk about on what they see when i hear that music with earphone. What important is i get the energy on that day :)

Tuesday 15 December 2015

·        Today i make this article for my agriculture presentation

 Upheaval in the coconut oil industry
While coconut oil has been losing market share to palm oil in recent years, the strong growth in global vegetable oil consumption has made it possible for coconut oil to still sustain positive growth, albeit at around 2.5% per years. This is primarily from the industrial use market with food use all but stagnant, with growth of less than 1% per year. A major question for the entire coconut industry is whether or not the loss of market share to palm oil will accelerate in the coming years. If so, it is likely that the current stagnation of coconut oil in the edible oil segment could turn in to an outright decline. This would most likely be triggered by a collapse in coconut oil use by consumers in producing countries, especially India and Sri Lanka. Already, the domestic coconut oil industry is in crisis in both countries. Sri Lanka has introduced protectionist tariffs to restrict imports of palm oil to support the domestic coconut oil industry – at the expensive of the export industry and local consumers. Such measures appear to be unsustainable over the medium term. In India, Kerala’s coconut farmers are protesting at the collapse in coconut prices. The planned response of the Philippines oil industry to the competition is to attempt to dramatically increase the yield of coconuts at the farm level. If successful, this plan would greatly increase nut supply, lower nuts prices and allow the oil millers to produce more oil at lower cost. For the millers this would help address their over capacity problems, and raise their competitiveness. The benefit to the farmers is unclear. Either a collapse in domestic coconut oil consumption in producing countries or a surge in yields in a major producer like the Philippines would result in a significant shift in the balance of supply and demand for nuts in the entire coconut industry, equivalent to up to 20% of annual world coconut production. Changes on this scale would have far reaching consequence. Nut prices would fall, but initially unevenly between countries. Production would shift to lower cost producers and coconut farmers worldwide would see lower income and there could be an accelerated reduction in coconut production in badly affected areas. These changes would be slow and painful and the exact impact is hard to determine. What is clear is that the current crisis is set to continue.

·         Low productivity and farmer income
The relatively low productivity at farm level, combined with low farm gate
prices in several major producing countries, especially the Philippines and
India, is a major long term weakness of the industry.
In the Philippines, coconut farmers are regarded as being among the poorest
with few alternatives. In other producing countries, such as Malaysia and
Thailand, the low income from coconuts has driven farmers to switch to other
more profitable crops and an overall decline in the local coconut industry. 
·         Missed opportunities from not using the entire nut

Globally, the coconut industry makes very poor use of anything other than
coconut kernel meat. Millions of tonnes of potentially valuable material, from
husks, shells or water, are thrown away every year.
At the same time, the value achieved per nut is low and coconut farmers
struggle to make an acceptable living. This is especially true at the moment
with the crisis in the coconut oil markets.
Efficient use of the entire nut in a local coconut industry could triple, or more,
the value created compared to simple DC or oil supply chains. While market
limitation mean that this is not possible for the entire global industry, those
local industries that succeed in making the transition to an efficient industry
will create a sustainable competitive advantage for themselves and deliver
significant benefit to their business and farmers alike.
·         Dealing with cocopith
The most successful industries in the future will be those that have integrated
kernel processing in tandem with good use of husks and shells.
Proper use of cocopith within a local industry is therefore not only necessary
to avoid major environmental pollution but is a necessary part of developing
an internationally competitive coconut industry. Vietnam, India and Thailand
have the greatest opportunities in the immediate future to benefit from this.

·         Coconut areas reduce
  The coconut areas is continually reduced.  It dropped from 213,214.0 hectars in 1985 to 151,044.7 hectares in 2001.  The principal reasons for the low and drop in hectarages is the low profitability. Many smallholders have changed over from coconut to oil palm mainly because of the poor return.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

This video always make my spirit going up and up! dont give up easily. Dont you know spirit of people is so powerful? it is just not powerful it also hard to be kill!

Today I learn about cocoa :}


Pod breaking

Pod breaking or opening is not a minor operation that merely consists of breaking open the pods and removing the beans, since it strongly effects subsequent operations, ultimate bean quality and conversion yield of wet beans to dry beans.
After harvesting, pods are either broken by means of a small cutlass or a wooden billet.  The pod is struck halfway across the longitudinal axis and opened by twisting the tip of the cutlass.  This is done in one fluid motion.  Opening using the wooden billet involves one or two sharp blows with the edge of the billet.  The distal portion of the pod falls away and the beans remain conveniently attached to the placenta from which they can be easily extracted.
The beans are removed from the placenta being careful to exclude any germinated, black or diseased beans or pieces of shell and placenta fragments.
The time between harvesting and opening the pods have been found to influence subsequent fermentation and ultimate flavour development.  In Trinidad, it is the practice to harvest pods at the start of the week and crack the pods in the field at the end of the week, fill bags or baskets with the wet beans and transport them to the fermentation facilities.  The wet beans should reach the fermentation facility within 24 hours of the pods being broken to avoid any problems during fermentation.  Pod storage in excess of six days has been found to affect flavours in cocoa (Clapperton et al., 1994).

Thursday 3 December 2015

      This is my favourite video.

“Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious. Many of life’s best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.” –Ralph Marston

       Where do we get the idea that our life is supposed to be easy? Why do we think that when we start something new, things are going to go smoothly and happen in the timeframe in which we think it should happen? Why do we think that we should get results for our efforts when we want them?

      About a month ago I watched the movie “Big Stan.” One part that stands out is when Stan, a weakling, is undergoing physical strength training. In the beginning it seemed like he was undergoing torture, but what the training was doing was toughening him up and teaching him how to fight and defend himself. Now this didn’t happen overnight, it took him 5 months of training every day for hours and hours to accomplish his goal. Although this movie was a comedy, the strength training scene came to mind a couple weeks later when I was feeling frustrated about something. It was an “A-ha moment,” a “light-bulb moment.” I realized that I was being too hard on myself. I realized that this was my training period and results were not going to happen any sooner because it was my wish and I felt “ready,” like I knew all I needed to know. Thinking of the movie made me smile and relax. I knew I was to keep on the track that I was on and to keep learning, and improvement would come in time. Since then, I’ve been thinking about life and how we like knowing what to expect and knowing when we are going to succeed, or…if we are going through a tough time, when the tough time is going to end. But life has other plans. We may be thinking we are just trying to reach a specific goal of our choosing, or we’re just going through a difficult time, but perhaps life is developing other things in us, as well as teaching us.

Hidup bukanlah tentang bagaimana menemukan diri kita tetapi bagaimana menciptakan diri kita yang sebenarnya

Makna : Hidup  yang sebenarnya akan terlihat dan anda alami jika anda berhasil menjadi diri sendiri

Hidup adalah impian bagi orang bijak, Permainan bagi orang BODOH, Lelucon bagi orang KAYA, DAN Tragedi bagi orang MISKIN

Makna : Seperti apapun keadaan anda (kaya, miskin, cerdas ataupun bodoh), tetapi paling tidak jadilah orang yang punya impian. Karena impian yang akan membuat anda beda

Hidup itu sederhana, namun seringkali kita lah yang membuatnya menjadi sulit

Makna : Kebanyakan manusia terjebak dalam kesulitan hidup akibat dirinya sendiri

Orang tidak akan mengingat hari, tetapi yang diingat adalah momen penting dan berkesan

Makna : Hari tidak akan menjadi penting tanpa kejadian berkesan yang menghiasi hari itu

Arthur Rubinstein, seorang Pianis terkenal asal Rusia, pernah berkata bahwa “Jika kita mencintai kehidupan maka sebaliknya kehidupan akan mencintai kita.

Makna : Saat kita menghargai hidup, maka hidup (lingkungan, manusia, dan apapun yang ada dalam hidup) akan balik menghargai kita

Kekuatan tidak datang dari kemenangan. Seberapa besar usaha kita untuk melewati kesulitan dan memutuskan untuk tidak menyerah, itulah kekuatan yang sebenarnya

Makna : Jika anda menang bukan berarti anda kuta, tetapi anda akan pantas disebut kuat jika menjadi pribadi yang pantang menyerah

Anda pernah jatuh sekali. Kami ingin melihat setinggi apa anda bisa meloncat dikemudian hari

Makna : meski anda pernah gagal, buktikan pada mereka bahwa kegagalan anda adalah awal dari keberhasilan 

Manusia itu tak berarti apa-apa. Pekerjaannya lah yang menjadikan hidupnya berarti

Makna : Terkadang pekerjaan yang anda geluti yang akan menjadikan anda hidup dengan penuh kebahagiaan

Jika manusia berusaha melawan hukum alam, maka ia akan menghancurkan dirinya sendiri

Makna : Jangan pernah melawan ketentuan alam (takdir) jika tak ingin menjadi manusia yang terombang ambing dalam ketidakjelasan

Kalau masa depanku gelap, jelas lebih baik aku menghadapinya layaknya seorang laki-laki, daripada berusaha mencerahkannya dengan imajinasi-imajinasi yang sia-sia

Makna : Sesuram apapun kehidupan anda, yakinilah bahwa setiap usaha yang anda keluarkan dalam rintikan keringat akan jauh lebih berarti daripada sekedar berangan lalu tidur tak melakukan apa-apa

Hidup adalah serangkaian peristiwa alami dan spontan. Jangan melawan kehidupan yang hanya akan menciptakan kesedihan. Biarkan realitas menjadi kenyataan. Biarkan semuanya mengalir secara alami

Siapapun bisa marah, itu sangat mudah. Namun marah kepada orang yang tepat, dengan tingkat kemarahan yang tepat, pada waktu yang tepat, dan dengan tujuan yang tepat, bukanlah hal mudah dan bahkan seringkali dilupakan.

Keunggulan adalah sesuatu yang kita dapat dari latihan dan kebiasaan. Sesorang akan disebut unggul jika ia telah melakukan segala sesuatu berulang kali

Makna : Manusia akan unggul dalam hal apapun jika ia biasa melakukan hal itu

Cobalah untuk belajar sesuatu tantang segala sesuatu dan segala sesuatu tentang sesuatu

Makna : Belajarlah dari hal kecil maupun hal yang besar dengan kesungguhan yang sama

Hidup adalah suatu tantangan yang harus dihadapi dan Perjuangan yang harus dimenangkan.

Hidup adalah Kesusahan yang harus diatasi. Rahasia yang harus digali. Tragedi yang harus dialami. Kegembiraan yang harus dibagikan. Cinta yang harus dinikmati, dan Tugas yang harus dilaksanakan.

Inilah hidup sebagai romantika yang harus dirangkul. Resiko yang harus diambil. Lagu yang harus dinyanyikan. Anugerah yang harus dipergunakan. Berkah yang harus dicapai., dan mimpi yang harus diwujudkan.

Kala anda dalam keadaan lapang, maka ketahuilah bahwa kehidupan merupakan kesempatan yang harus dipakai, jangan pernah lalai untuk menggunakannya

Makna : Kelapangan dalam hal apapun baik waktu, materi, maupun kesehatan. Pergunakanlah untuk kebajikan
Resepi dan cara membuat pisang goreng rangup (resepi 1)

Pisang (apa-apa jenis pisang)
2 cawan gandum
1/2 sudu teh garam
2 sudu gula
4 sudu besar minyak panas(betul-betul panas)
Air secukupnya
Minyak untuk menggoreng
1) Panaskan minyak untuk menggoreng.
2) Campurkan tepung gandum, gula dan garam.
3) Masukkan air secukupnya dan gaul biar sebati. Biar adunan pekat.
4) Masukkan minyak panas dan gaul sebati bersama adunan.
5) Celupkan pisang ke dalam adunan dan goreng sehingga keperangan atau garing.
6) Angkat dan sedia untuk dihidang.
Resepi dan cara membuat pisang goreng rangup (resepi 2)

2 cawan tepung beras
1 cawan tepung gandum
5 sudu besar santan pekat (santan kotak)
1/2 sudu besar baking powder
1/2 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit (optional)
1 Biji Telur & Air secukupnya
2 sudu besar marjerin yang dicairkan
Garam secukup rasa (dalam 1/2 sudu kecil atau lebih)